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Clinical Trial Supply Chain Trends and Forecasts for 2024

Updated: Feb 5

The clinical trial supply chain is a critical component of drug development, involving the manufacturing, sourcing, packaging, labelling, storage and distribution of investigational and comparator drugs, as well as any additional supplies that might be required to conduct a study.

Approaches to supply chain management are constantly evolving due to a variety of factors, and here CSI forecasts the potential trends and developments that are shaping the clinical trial supply chain and comparator sourcing industry.

Advanced Technology Integration: AI-driven automation, forecasting and clinical trial design will continue to reshape supply chain management. These advancements will streamline logistics, reduce errors, and enhance traceability. Leveraging real-world data (RWD) through predictive AI models and analytics tools has the potential to accelerate the understanding of diseases, improve patient selection, inform site selection and innovate study design.

Environmental Sustainability: There is growing emphasis on sustainable practices across industries. For the clinical supply chain, this means a shift towards reducing waste, optimising transportation to lower the carbon footprint and investment in EcoVadis accreditation. CSI has been awarded the silver EcoVadis award, as part of our commitment to sustainable procurement and environmentally friendly practices.

Regulatory Changes: There is always a possibility that changes to regulatory requirements will be introduced, which can impact sourcing strategies, especially following the COVID-19 pandemic. Greater scrutiny and demand for quality assurance and traceability to mitigate risk will influence how companies’ source and manage comparators. CSI has an experienced Quality team who are dedicated to overcoming any regulatory challenges that arise, in a rapid and adaptive manner.  

Globalisation Challenges: Conflict, geopolitical issues, or changes to international trade agreements can impact the sourcing and distribution of clinical trial supplies globally. Companies will need to be adaptable and responsive to export and import obstacles that could arise as a result of these challenges. With over 100 years of combined experience, CSI possesses a wealth of expertise to overcome potential import or export difficulties that emerge.

Focus on Cold Chain Logistics: Cold chain is getting colder! With the rise of biologics and personalised medicines, maintaining the integrity of temperature-sensitive products throughout the supply chain is crucial. Innovations in cold chain logistics and storage solutions are continuing to evolve, mitigating any potential temperature excursions. In partnership with our courier, CSI can tailor the best strategy for supplying any study, including direct-to-site shipments, local or regional depots and hybrid solutions.

Focus on Patient-Centricity: Patient-centric trials may necessitate changes in the clinical supply chain to ensure timely and accurate delivery of investigational products to diverse locations, taking into consideration patient convenience and adherence. 


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